What a bonkers year!
When I was looking back on the year mainly thinking about what we can do differently and better, I had to remind myself it was only really half a year here in Italy.
Large events were being planned but it wasn’t until the beginning of April when the Italian Government sanctioned live events of any scale and then here the supply chain and the event booking went crazy. Large scale events were given permission from June and even then, at the time we had to plan to wear masks, restrict numbers, allow longer for set up and de rig to dilute the amount of crew working together at any one time. Once June arrived it had changed again and most mask and working precautions had been altered with only public transport travel being under the mask wearing rules.
We have managed the largest project we have ever done in Italy this year which took up most of the year with lots of intermediary projects for other clients at intertwined in the year as things opened up.
We have finished off the year in early December with a project for a Macau based client through a middle east intermediary who needed set and scenic elements in Geneva. Once again this is a project I found by scouring the Facebook production pages and it has once again yielded a client that we would otherwise never have found. A very short lead in for delivery on the very weekend the winter weather started to come down the mountains in Geneva. We used our reliable set company in North Milan to help us deliver the detail required and all done remotely with drawings and calls to make sure we delivered what was required.
So, in half a year really, the Italian industry has been flat out and speaking to suppliers for early next year it is only getting busier. Traditionally here not much happens outside after September but the brave winter/spring Carnivale from early February is the knock on the door for the start of outdoor activity. I don’t work for the tourist board but the best one we have been to is the Viareggio Carnivale which is an explosion of colour and giant puppets and floats that goes along the sea front in all weathers. Its worth a spring trip but bring a good coat!
We have had a great year here and look forward to working with more new clients and becoming their go to supplier for all things technical in Italy.
As the new year starts to fill up with bits and bobs we are always on the look out for more projects so if you need anything in Italy or Europe (for our farther flung colleagues) let us know.

So just a small missive to wish everyone who follows our website around the world and supports us with recommendations, from what ever domination you are, a wonderful season of celebration of family and getting together.
#italy #bauliinpiazza
Photos: Shutterstock and R.Penhaligon